EV Event Season Begins

Saturday 25th April 2015
It is that time of year when the Event Season for our Electric Vehicles has begun.
We began our 2015 event season with our first event on Sunday 19th April. This was in support of the book tour for the book ‘What is the Electric Car – 79 Reasons to Drive Electric’. This was an important one for me as I was asked to write a chapter for the book and I am reason number 14 – PRE-CONDITIONING Your Electric Car. The book is an interesting collection of 79 reasons to drive electric that was compiled and written by Scott DuPont. Some of the 79 authors are more well known like Ed Begley Jr, Jay Leno and Larry Hagman, and some are not so well known like ElectraGirl – who is now, after Sunday, a little more well known. It’s all a bit surreal when people come up to you and say, “Are you ElectraGirl?” Umm, ‘Yes I am’. “Will you sign my book please?” ‘Yes, of course’.
Okay, this is all a bit surreal, can someone please tell me how I got here?
It was a great event with a nice amount of people attending who had some great questions to ask. We had 8 people from the NJEAA (New Jersey Electric Auto Association) bring along their Electric Vehicles to show off too. It was a good albeit, surreal day.
Being a part of this book is a whole new experience for me and the fact that people are starting to know who I am, is all taking rather a bit of getting used to. My little blogette, that I started just over 3 years ago, that set out as a place for me to write my feelings and experiences on being a girl EV owner and driver has now led to me being asked to write in a book and attend book tours with author signings… Not sure I will get used to this. What happened to my nice, quiet unassuming life?

I have never wanted this attention, I am a very shy and quiet person. We set up ElectraGirl.com as somewhere for me to write, it was never supposed to really go anywhere, it was just my musings, but… My sidekick on the other hand, lives and breathes Electric Cars, it’s his passion.
My ElectraGirl blogette, is honest. ElectraGirl writes about things just how they are. If she is upset about something she will write about it, just as she will write about something if she is happy. She doesn’t like to get pushed aside and when something isn’t right or she feels wronged she feels that it should be written about, the same goes for when something good happens. There is so much going on in the Electric Car world that seeing things through ElectraGirls eyes just brings a different perspective to it all.
And now it’s off to get ready for the many more events that I have to attend, so it is time to wash and polish the car again, and again and again…